Custom Rehab

Peripheral Neuropathy: How Dry Needling Can Help

How Dry Needling Can Help

For people with peripheral neuropathy, pain and discomfort can make living a normal life difficult if not impossible. However, dry needling as part of rehabilitation therapy has proven helpful in relieving pain and providing a host of other benefits. This article provides details on how dry needling can help you manage peripheral neuropathy symptoms.

But first, let’s learn more about peripheral neuropathy.

Dry Needling

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a term used to describe any damage to the peripheral nervous system. This system consists of all the nerves that lie outside of the brain and the spinal cord. 

There are over 100 types of peripheral neuropathy which are generally classified into four categories:

  • Motor neuropathy — this is damage to the nerves that control movement
  • Sensory neuropathy — describes damage to nerves that control what you feel like temperature or pain
  • Autonomic neuropathy — this is damage to nerves that control unconscious processes like breathing.
  • Combination neuropathies —- describes a patient with two or more types of neuropathies.


Peripheral neuropathy is attributed to many factors. But the most common causes are diabetes, injury, autoimmune conditions, infections, exposure to toxins, and post-surgery pain. 


Symptoms vary depending on the part of the body and the types of nerves affected. They range from tingling, numbness, stabbing pain, cramps, bladder and bowel problems, digestive problems, muscle weakness, loss of sensation in body parts, imbalance, and many more.

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

The complexity of the nervous system and the various forms this condition can take makes it complicated to treat. The most common treatments that health professionals typically prescribe include:

  • Medications — these include prescription pills, over-the-counter pain relievers, injections, topical creams, and skin patches.
  • Surgery — surgical procedures are performed to sever nerves or reconnect cut nerves to relieve pain.
  • Medical devices — these include prescribed footwear, braces, and canes and are meant to prevent further complications of the condition. 
  • Physical therapy — techniques like dry needling can promote faster injury recovery and improve symptoms like weakness and pain.

What is Dry Needling? 

Dry needling is a treatment technique that uses thin filament needles to penetrate a target area and decrease spasms, promote healing, and remodel fibrotic tissue.

How Can Dry Needling Help?

  • Increased Blood Circulation
  • Stimulating blood flow full of oxygen and nutrients in the target area diminishes inflammation, promotes nerve regeneration, and faster tissue healing.
  • Breaks Pain Trigger Points
  • The needle targets the original pain point and the penetration causes a twitch response in the affected area and its surroundings. This reaction triggers the release of endorphins and reduces cortisol providing natural pain relief and a relaxed sensation respectively.
  • Regain Range of Motion
  • Once the dry needling resolves the pain, you can rebuild your muscle strength and restore your full range of motion.
  • Increases Therapy Endurance
  • Many patients have found it easier to complete other rehabilitation exercises and therapies after the reduction of pain symptoms.

Contact Custom Rehab PT for Effective Dry Therapy in Chubbuck

If you feel dry needling can benefit you, contact our therapists at Custom Rehab Physical Therapy in Chubbuck. We offer safe and effective dry needling therapy to help you alleviate pain and regain your range of motion for a healthier and more fulfilling life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.