Custom Rehab

Functional Manual Therapy in Chubbuck

What is Functional Manual Therapy?

Functional manual therapy is a unique hands-on approach that uses a variety of physical therapy techniques to help alleviate a variety of issues. Every therapy is customized to suit the individual’s specific needs, and the therapy program as a whole can help with things like soft tissue and muscle pain, posture issues, stiffness in the joints and mobility issues. Each series of techniques is designed with the patient in mind for the best available results.

benefits of manual therapy

The Approach

All types of functional manual therapy include targeted techniques to help alleviate musculoskeletal pain and symptoms of dysfunction. They can help provide individuals with a variety of benefits, including the restoration of fluid motion to affected joints or tissue regions.

Efficient therapy will involve either a physical therapist, a hand therapist and sometimes both to get the most efficient results for patients. Some of the techniques involved in this type of therapy include general soft tissue massages, specialized forms of joint mobilization exercises, careful lymphatic drainage and the passive implementation of assisted functional movement.

All of these benefits are made all the more effective through the connections forged between specialists and patients. Specific exercise systems are also incorporated into treatment regimens to further restore and elevate the desired degree of movement in the patient.

The Benefits

Because every form of functional manual therapy is customized to suit each patient’s particular individual needs, it is a highly versatile treatment system that puts recovery first. The physical therapist begins planning for the long-term treatments by taking a careful look at the patient’s condition. In slow, calibrated steps, the manual therapy is then incorporated into the existing treatment plan according to each individual’s needs.

Because of the versatility of treatment options, it is not uncommon for many professionals to combine techniques and therapies to establish the desired results. Specialized massages may not only reduce inflammation but also improve flexibility in the patient’s muscles. Manipulation therapy may improve the patient’s mobility while also reducing their long-term pain and discomfort.

The hands-on nature of these types of therapies focus on combining the science of muscular and tissue stimulation with the art of adhering to the patient’s unique experiences to develop an approach that results in long-lasting benefits. Through each personalized system, patients come closer to achieving successful movement patterns.

Who is it For?

Anybody who struggles with mobility issues, joint pain or muscular injuries may benefit from this type of treatment. Because of the versatile nature, individuals may consult with a physical therapist to discuss the right path to their recovery. These systems also focus on meditative practices and stress management to gear the entire body towards rapid recovery. Patients can also learn how to prevent such issues from occurring again in the future through educational programs synergized with the manual therapy.

Individuals who are interested in seeing if this treatment system is right for them is strongly encouraged to work with our professionals. We can help you get started on the road to recovery through the powerful, proven results of manual therapy.