Custom Rehab

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy in Chubbuck

Blood Flow Restriction is a form of rehabilitative treatment known to help those who have sustained significant bodily injuries. Here at Custom Rehab, we offer physical therapy services to the residents of Pocatello, Chubbuck and surrounding regions.

We offer Blood Flow Restriction as one of our primary services because we believe strongly in the benefits it offers our patients.

What is Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?

Performed by a trained therapist, this form of physical therapy, also referred to as blood flow restriction therapy, limits blood flow to a patient’s muscles. Performed on a recipient’s arms or legs, healthcare professionals advocate this therapeutic protocol enables patients to strengthen damaged muscles without putting excessive strain on the damaged muscle fibers. It can also decrease the healing time of damaged tissue.

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How Does Restriction Therapy Work?

The process involves several steps. During the initial phase, a licensed therapist applies a large tourniquet-like device resembling a blood pressure cuff to a patient’s limb. Once the restricting device is firmly set, pressure is gradually increased, which ultimately reduces blood flow to impacted regions for short durations. As blood flow is decreased, patients are instructed to perform various exercises.
In some cases, patients will engage in pre-therapy workouts using typical weighted devices or resistance bands. Doing so can promote greater muscle-strengthening and a more rapid healing process.

Intended Physical Outcome

Blood flow restriction stimulates each and every muscle being restricted during therapy. Said action is thought to not only heal damaged areas but has the potential to also strengthen muscles helping to prevent injury in the future.

Who Benefits From Restriction Rehabilitation?

Blood Flow Restriction can be beneficial to just about anyone who has sustained a musculoskeletal injury. That said, such therapy is usually reserved for those who have experienced moderate to severe structural damage such as ligament and tendon tears or ruptures, rotator cuff injuries or improperly healing bone fractures.

Who Should Not Undergo Blood Restriction Therapy?

Blood restriction therapy might increase the chances of blood clot development in certain individuals. For people with no known health issues, this risk is relatively small. However, elderly  individuals or in patients with diagnosed heart, circulation or other cardiovascular problems, the risk could be greater. Therefore, physical therapists strongly caution anyone with a history of cardiovascular issues or any other health concerns to first discuss the possibilities of receiving restriction rehabilitation with their doctor before undergoing this procedure.

Contact Us

Custom Rehab specializes in blood flow restriction therapy. If you have sustained any type of muscle, soft tissue or bone related injury and are seeking a potentially quick and efficient method of healing, Blood Flow Restriction may be right for you. For more information about restriction rehabilitation or any other service we provide, please give us a call or visit us today!