Custom Rehab

The Kinesio Taping Method

For athletes or indeed anyone who has suffered bruising and pain from an injury reducing swelling and controlling pain during the healing process is of special interest. There are of course various painkillers and man-made compounds that can play their part, increasingly people are looking for a natural route to recovery. That is where Kinesio Tape comes in.

What is Kinesio Tape?

The Kinesio taping method in Chubbuck relies on a time-proven technique for a specific therapeutic taping method. The technique and the type of tape that is used have been the subject of clinical research that demonstrates its effectiveness. The thin, stretchable, waterproof cotton tape can be applied in a wide variety of ways that reduce both pain and inflammation. 

It is used to promote post-surgery healing, heal sports injuries and promote effective circulation among those who suffer from circulatory problems. It is a natural and non-invasive way to boost the body’s natural healing process. 

Kinesio Tape

How Does Kinesio Taping work?

The tape used microscopically lifts the skin and allows for effective lymphatic drainage. This, in turn, reduces swelling. It has been the subject of research into how it stimulates the epidermis at a cellular level. The use of the Kinesio taping method at our clinic in Chubbuck has been the subject of clinical trials showing that it can have positive physiological effects. These effects help with the healing of the skin, the lymphatic and circulatory system, ligaments, fascia, muscles, tendons, and joints.


Kinesio type is in widespread use among athletes. Anyone who has watched professional athletes on television may have noticed Kinesio tape at joint intersections. This often brightly colored tape is used by professional athletes the world over due to the fact that it is non-bulky and non-restrictive. 

Athletes including those who take part in professional swimming competitions, football, rugby, and athletics make extensive use of the tape. It is primarily used to alleviate the damage caused to muscles that have been subject to unusual stress. It is also used as part of outpatient therapy for those patients who have been subject to invasive medical procedures involving arm and leg joints. 

Benefits of The Kinesio Taping Method

The use of the Kinesio taping approach is that it is non-invasive and can complement other particular medical approaches to the management of pain and the promotion of healing of connective tissue and muscle. For many people the use of man-made drugs for the promotion of healing and the control of pain is problematic. This taping method avoids the dangers of addiction to painkillers and the side effects that can negatively affect those using prescription drugs.

If you or someone you know has been suffering from joint or muscle pain and swelling then Kinesio tape may very well be the natural answer to promoting healing in a non-invasive way – and protecting joints from further damage. For more information contact Custom Rehab in Chubbuck by visiting They are committed to Physical Therapy care services that will return clients to full health as quickly as possible – and allow them to resume their active lifestyle.