Custom Rehab

Functional Movement Screen

You’re struggling with an injury or nagging pain that’s preventing you from living your life to the fullest. You’ve probably tried a bunch of different treatments and therapies, but nothing has really solved the problem. Don’t feel hopeless. Custom Rehab is here to help. We offer a functional movement screen in Chubbuck that will help us understand your pain and create a treatment plan specifically for you.

What is a Functional Movement Screen (FMS)?

Physical therapists, coaches, and trainers use the functional movement screen (FMS) to assess an individual’s movement patterns. The goal of the FMS is to identify areas of dysfunction in order to design a more effective training program.

It consists of seven movement patterns that are meant to test the full range of an individual’s motion. Each movement pattern is scored on a scale of 0-3, with 0 being the worst and 3 being the best.

A score of 2 or above indicates that the individual has adequate mobility and strength in that particular movement pattern. A score of 1 or 0 indicates that there is a potential for injury in that area. We use the FMS as a baseline assessment system to track an individual’s progress over time.

How does a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Work?

As already mentioned, this test consists of seven different movement patterns that are designed to identify potential impairments that could lead to injuries. To complete the FMS, we ask patients to perform each of the seven movements.

Each movement is then scored on a scale of 0-3, with 0 being unable to complete the movement and 3 being able to complete the movement with perfect form. An overall score is then calculated, which we use to determine whether or not an individual has any movement impairments that need to be addressed.

Who are they for?

The FMS is for those who have any underlying physical limitations or imbalances that may result in long-term injuries. Physical therapists, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals in Chubbuck use this test to evaluate and treat patients. Anyone who is looking to improve their overall physical health and performance can benefit from taking the FMS.

Benefits of a Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

There are many advantages to having a functional movement screen performed. First, the FMS can help us identify the areas of weakness that may be predisposing the patient’s injury. By addressing these weaknesses through specific exercises and drill work, the risk of injury can be greatly reduced. Second, the FMS can help optimize the patient’s movement patterns for their specific sport or activity. This can lead to improved performance and reduced risk of injury. Finally, the FMS can provide valuable feedback for coaches and trainers to use when designing workout programs for their athletes or clients.

A functional movement screen can help identify areas of weakness and improve your overall performance. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, or if you just want to take your game to the next level, contact Custom Rehab today at (208) 417-0011 for a functional movement screen in Chubbuck. We can help you get back in the game and perform at your best.