Custom Rehab


Specialized Physical Therapy Treatments


functional manual therapy

Functional Manual Therapy (FMT)

Functional manual therapy is a hands-on approach that utilizes diverse techniques to alleviate joint stiffness and improve mobility. Efficient therapy involves soft tissue massages, joint mobilization, lymphatic drainage, and other specific exercise systems that utilize the science of muscular and tissue simulation to improve functionality and support long-term recovery. At our clinic, every form of manual therapy is highly customized to your needs to provide the desired results and to help you maintain optimum health long after your physical therapy sessions. With our years of FMT experience and passion for excellence, we are the right team to help you achieve your goals. Call us to book an in-person consultation to get started.


dry needling

Dry Needling

Many patients struggle with pain when trying to rehabilitate after an injury or surgery. To maximize the benefits of rehab, your doctor may recommend dry needling to relieve pain and muscle tension. It involves inserting thin needles through the skin to the injured or strained ligaments or muscles to release trigger points. Dry needling can treat problems like neck pain, tennis elbow, and Achilles tendinitis. Once the pain is resolved you’ll feel comfortable to proceed with rehabilitation leading to faster healing and overall improved quality of life. Contact Custom Rehab today to get patient-focused dry needling therapy for better functionality and improved health.


physical therapy exercises

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation is an advanced stretching technique initially designed to help patients dealing with neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis and poliomyelitis. However, it has also proven helpful in the treatment musculoskeletal problems. Today, it’s also popular with athletes looking to improve flexibility and range of motion. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation can benefit patients recovering from an injury or surgery to help them restore range of motion. With help of a physical therapist, athletes, dancers, and basically anyone can utilize PNF to improve their flexibility and fitness, and enhance performance. Book your free appointment at our clinic to get started.

Post-Concussion Rehabilitation

Post-Concussion Rehabilitation

If you’re a sports enthusiast or you love exploring the great outdoors, you may have previously suffered a concussion and wondered how to overcome the destabilizing symptoms. Worry no more. Our therapists at our clinic in Chubbuck and Pocatello, ID can help. Most patients who walk into our clinic complain of headaches, brain fog, neck pain, and balance issues. At Custom Rehab, we utilize our expertise and state-of-the-art screening tools to confirm the presence of a concussion and match you with the best physical therapy treatment. Your therapist will work hard to minimize the symptoms and ensure you regain your balance so you can safely get back to your favorite sporting activities. Consult with us to learn how post-concussion rehabilitation can you get back your sense of control and agility.


instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

IASTM helps patients dealing with chronic pain find relief and get back to their normal lives in the shortest and safest time possible. It utilizes specialized instruments to apply pressure and force on the targeted areas to reduce tension, increase blood flow, and reduce pains caused by inflammation. The cutting-edge technique can help treat soft tissue injuries such as plantar fasciitis and bursitis as well as chronic conditions like tendinopathies and muscular dystrophy. Visit our outpatient clinic in Chubbuck to get the best IASTM care for a full recovery.


blood flow restirction

Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR)

BFR is a type of therapy where blood flow is restricted in targeted areas for short durations. These restrictions stimulate a self-healing process and strengthens the muscles reducing the chances if re-injury. Due to the sensitive nature of the technique, BFR is only performed by a highly trained professional and is often preserved for patients with concerns like tendon tears, ligament ruptures, and stubborn bone fractures. Contact our office staff to book an appointment if you feel blood flow restriction therapy can help you make a big leap on your journey to health.


kinesio taping

Kinesio Taping Method

If you’re looking for a natural and non-invasive technique to help you heal a bruising or an overused muscle, the kinesio tape may be just be the solution you need. It is a thin, stretchable, waterproof cotton tape can be applied in a wide variety of ways that reduce both pain and inflammation. While it is widely applied by athletes, it can help anyone with the healing of the skin, the lymphatic and circulatory system, ligaments, fascia, muscles, tendons, and joints. If you feel that kinesio taping can help you with your healing process, contact our office staff to book your free appointment to get started!


soft tissue mobilization

Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM)

Soft tissue mobilization is another hands-on form of physical therapy that involves applying pressure to the soft tissues of the body. The goal is to breakup scar tissue for improved blood flow, faster healing, and flexibility. STM is an effective treatment for soft tissue injuries such as muscle sprains and strains. If you feel STM can help speed up your recovery, improve your overall well-being, schedule an appointment with our office to learn more.


lymphedema treatment

Lymphedema Treatment

Lymphedema is commonly caused by your lymph nodes being damaged from cancer treatments. This causes swelling in the arms, legs or both. Our treatments help ease the pain and reduce the swelling caused by lymphedema. 


functional movement screen

Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

The Functional Movement Screen is a systematic tool used to quickly identify dysfunctions and asymmetries through 7 fundamental movement patterns to determine your risk for injury.


Running Analysis and Training

POSE – Running Analysis and Training

Beginning, Amateur and Advanced analysis and training using the POSE technique to efficient running. Developed by Dr Nicholas Romanov.