Custom Rehab

The Differences Between Lymphedema Massage and Wrapping

Lymphedema is a progressive swelling condition that occurs in one extremity and in some instances, more than one extremity at the same time. It occurs due to the malfunction of the lymphatic system that is responsible for moving and draining fluid throughout the body. 

Causes of Lymphedema

The causes of lymphedema include infections like filariasis and cellulitis, venous diseases like varicose veins, or occur as an aftereffect of lymphatic system surgery and cancer treatment. In a small number of cases, trauma, prolonged immobility, and genetics may also cause lymphedema.

lymphedema treatment

Stages of Lymphedema

Lymphedema can be divided into four stages.

Stage 1

Many patients may not spot any significant changes or symptoms even though the abnormal flow in the lymphatic system will have commenced. This stage may last for months or years before other obvious symptoms develop.

Stage 2

In this stage, a slight swelling is noticeable. When pressure is applied to the skin, it forms indentations, also known as pitting edema. The swelling is reversible and it can resolve with elevation.

Stage 3

In stage 3, the persistent fluid buildup causes the skin to enlarge, swell, and harden. Elevation provides little to no relief and the swelling is not reversible. 

Stage 4

In the last stage, the affected limb becomes enlarged and deformed with wart-like growths and skin folds. Treatment at this stage aims to manage the symptoms.

Lymphedema Treatment

There is no cure for lymphedema. Treatments focus on reducing the swelling and alleviating complications.

Some of the common treatments include:


Surgery may be recommended for the advanced stages of lymphedema to remove diseased tissue, create new drainage paths, or repair and restore lymphatic flow within the affected limb.


Physical therapy can help control the swelling through a variety of flexibility exercises and techniques like massage and wrapping.

Differences Between Lymphedema Massage and Wrapping

Massage and wrapping are effective treatments for lymphedema that often complement each other but there are a few differences that set them apart. 

Lymphedema massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a hands-on therapy technique where a therapist applies light pressure in the affected area to move the fluid to an alternative location with functional lymph vessels.

Lymphedema wrapping, also known as compression therapy involves the use of wraps or bandages to apply consistent pressure on lymph nodes for improved fluid flow and preventing further buildup.

MLD is generally a safe treatment but it may not be the best option for people with conditions like heart problems, blood clots, and kidney failure. 

When compression therapy is applied properly, it’s safer for a majority of patients. Adverse events rarely occur.

Finally, lymphedema massage requires specialized massage skills for the best results. While you may perform some massage techniques at home, it’s important to commit to your in-clinic sessions with your lymphedema specialist for the best possible outcome. 

Wrapping is a home-friendly lymphedema treatment. Your therapist can show you how to perform lymphedema wrapping at home so you can manage flare-ups as required. 

Contact Custom Rehab for Quality Lymphedema Treatment

Do you need help to manage lymphedema? We are here to help. We offer customized lymphedema treatment services that provide relief and results that improve your quality of life. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.