Custom Rehab

The Benefits of Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening

Learning About The Benefits of Pelvic Floor Strengthening

The pelvis is the region between the hips that accommodates your reproductive organs.

What is the Pelvic floor muscle?

The pelvic floor consists of connective tissues and muscles. These soft tissues connect to the pelvis, and in particular, to the bones located beneath the pelvis. The pelvic floor muscles are what make up the base of your pelvis and hold your pelvic organs together.

The pelvic organs in all individuals include the rectum, intestines, bladder, and urethra. In women, the pelvic floor comprises the vagina, cervix, and uterus. The best way to envisage the pelvic floor and how it functions is to look at the lower part of your pelvis like a basket or hammock. 


pelvic floor muscle strengthening

When your pelvic floor contracts or is otherwise engrossed, it does a lifting action toward your upper body part, which feels like you’re pulling your anal opening, or attempting to stop urine or gas passing. These muscles are also the ones that tighten up during an orgasm. 

Having a weak pelvic floor may result in complications like the inability to control your bladder or bowel movements.

Benefits of exercises

As with other body muscles, the pelvic floor works best when the muscles are sturdy and are able to let loose entirely following a contraction. 

Benefits for women

Pelvic floor strengthening exercises enable women to better hold the uterus, bowels, and bladder. These exercises also assist boost sexual pleasure and health by:

  • Loosening up your vaginal muscles, which enables the vagina to expand easily. This is especially advantageous if you experience pain during pelvic examinations, sexual intercourse, or both.
  • Increasing blood circulation to the pelvic floor and vagina. This can assist in boosting sexual arousal.
  • Improved bladder control

Benefits for men

Men’s pelvic floor muscles may weaken as a result of various factors, such as radical prostatectomy and other conditions like an overactive bladder and diabetes. 

Here are some of the benefits men can gain from performing Kegel exercises:

  • Bolster bladder control
  • Improve sexual functionality and performance
  • Support the pelvic floor muscles 

Who can benefit

If you thought that Kegel exercises were only intended for women, you’re wrong! Both men and women stand to benefit from these exercises.

There are various factors that may result in the weakening of the pelvic floor in women, including weight gain, aging, childbirth, and pregnancy.

The pelvic floor muscles hold the bowels, bladder, and uterus. If the muscles are frail, these organs may drop into the vagina. Apart from being very uneasy, this can also result in incontinence.

The pelvic floor muscles of men may also weaken with aging. This can result in incontinence of both feces and urine, specifically if the man has undergone prostate surgery. 


If you are looking for a local physical therapy clinic in Chubbuck to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, then look no further than Custom Rehab Physical Therapy. Call NOW to book an appointment with a trained and certified Physical Therapist.