Custom Rehab

Physical Therapy in Chubbuck, ID: Who’s A Good Candidate?

Who’s A Good Candidate?

Physical therapy is often associated with severely injured patients or athletes. But, it’s an effective treatment for a range of cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular, and musculoskeletal disorders.

The main goals of physical therapy are helping patients restore their physical health and functionality, and minimize or prevent injuries in the future. And it can be helpful for people of all ages.

However, many people think therapy is meant for people who are immobilized yet, they may be suffering from a condition or issue that can benefit from therapy.
If your healthcare provider has prescribed therapy sessions for you but you’re hesitant to make the first appointment, we’ve got you covered.
Here, we’ve listed down the top five signs to help you decide whether you’re a good candidate for physical therapy.

If You’re Recovering From Injury or Surgery

Physical therapy can be effective in helping to speed up the recovery process after an injury or a surgical procedure. Your physical therapist creates a customized plan that includes exercises and rehabilitative activities to reduce pain, and stiffness, and promote natural healing for increased mobility and flexibility.

If You Are Suffering From Chronic Pain

For people suffering from chronic pain, physical therapy is a safer and more effective alternative to relying on opioids. Treatments such as manual therapy and low-impact aerobic exercises, for instance, focus on strengthening the muscles to relieve stress in the painful areas. This approach not only alleviates pain but also improves mobility and your daily functionality.

If You Have a Chronic Condition

Physical therapy is especially helpful for people with chronic conditions like Osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and Multiple Sclerosis. Personalized therapy plans help you to build the body strength and endurance you need to combat the effects of the condition and reduce the use of medication and invasive therapies.

If You Are Struggling With Balance

Decreased balance is the inability to maintain posture when you’re standing, walking, or sitting. And if left unchecked, it can increase your risk of injury from falls. Your therapist can determine the best exercises and activities that can improve your balance, muscle strength, flexibility, and posture. And while it’s more common in older adults, physical therapy can help people of all ages to improve their balance, so, don’t hesitate to get the help you need.

If You Want to Increase Your Sports Performance

The main goal of physical therapy is to help people improve their range of motion and minimize the risk of injury, both of which are also critical components of good sports performance. As an athlete, you can benefit from a wide range of physical therapy programs to eliminate pain and improve mobility, balance, endurance, and muscle strength to boost your sports performance.

Contact Custom Rehab for the Best Physical Therapy Services in Chubbuck, ID

If any of the signs above describes a situation you’re currently experiencing, you should consider getting physical therapy for faster recovery and enhanced physical functionality. At Custom Rehab, we offer research-based and highly effective physical therapy services to help meet your unique goals and improve your quality of life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.